
We recommend the hotels located closest to the SGGW campus:

    • Pokoje Gościnne Ikar, SGGW campus

Address : 161 Nowoursynowska street, 02-787 Warsaw tel. +48 22 593 37 00

    • Platinum Hotel&Residence Wilanów (distance 3 km, access by car 7 min, on foot 18 minutes)

Address: 12 Św. Urszuli Ledóchowska Street, 02-972 Warsaw tel. +48 22 263 63 63

    • Arche Hotel Poloneza (distance 4.5 km, access by car 10 minutes)

Address: 87 Poloneza Street, Ursynów, 02-826 Warsaw tel. +48 22 670 99 80

    • Arche Hotel Puławska Residence (distance 4.3 km, access by car 10 min)

Address: 361 Puławska Street, Ursynów, 02-801 Warszawa tel. +48 22 241 75 00